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  • From the referral fee frying pan into the advertising fire

    We kind of all knew it anyway, but just how much money a large insurance company like the Direct Line Group makes from referral fees still took my breath away. As we reported earlier this week, the group received £110m from solicitors in the three and a half years since January 2009. Call it £30m a year and extrapolate (the group’s market share is 19% of motor and 18% of home insurance) and you are looking at around £150m a year going from the pockets of solicitors to insurance companies for the privilege of receiving cases. And that’s before the £100m or so insurers make every year from credit hire referral fees.

    Thursday, 11 October 2012


Choose the right social media platforms for your business

Two-thirds of the world’s population are on it for almost two-and-a-half hours each day, on average. Each uses at least half a dozen different platforms every month.

Managing risk: a guide for law firms

Traditional risk management approaches typically focused on responding to incidents after they have occurred. Best practice today demands a more forward-thinking approach.

Legal tech in 2025: Data, data and more data management

Even the staunchest sceptics are now recognising that generative AI is here to stay. But was 2024 the year that the AI ‘hype bubble’ burst?