George Clarke challenges government on affordable homes and repairing empty properties at the 2013 SearchFlow Property Forum Dinner

Speaking at the 18th Property Forum Dinner in Central London, sponsored by SearchFlow, keynote speaker architect and TV property expert George Clarke spoke out about the slow pace, poor quality and lack of imagination used by house builders on developments around the country.

In a call to government, he pressed the point that with 240,000 long term empty homes in the UK, a massive refurbishment programme and a simplified and faster planning regime was needed to address a worsening housing crisis. His manifesto called for housing policy and budgets to be ring-fenced, like the NHS, due to the additional social costs of homelessness, economic deprivation and educational poverty.

In reference to his upcoming new series of Amazing Spaces and latest filming on Restoration Man, he entertained diners about the varied planning, site and environmental challenges that his clients had faced and how they had affected the projects, with sage advice for attending lenders, agents and solicitors.

Marshall King, CEO of SearchFlow said: “We were delighted with the positive feedback from guests at this year’s dinner. It has underlined what has been a stronger year for many and was a real opportunity for attendees to consider future developments in this constantly evolving market. George Clarke gave us plenty of food for thought about sustaining housing need and the ongoing vitality of the property industry.”

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