Tag Results

  • Costs management: Sun has set & there is new dawn

    Litigators are now well and truly in the habit of a far stricter costs budgeting regime for complex, multi-track cases. The changes at the complex end of litigation ensure that costs budgets are far more proportionate to the issues in dispute.

    Friday, 1 October 2021
  • Software for Lexcel: Joining the dots for law firms

    Regular conversations with law firms reveal what the important considerations are when it comes to Lexcel. One of the best pieces of career advice I ever received, as a marketing manager, was that I should make time every single week to have a decent conversation with at least one client. As my mentor at the time lamented, these conversations are the best way to keep on top of what is really important to clients.

    Wednesday, 18 August 2021
  • Law firm webinar: We are talking all things AML next week

    Next week the Legal Division of the leading software provider for mid market businesses in the UK and Asia Pacific, The Access Group, will be running an AML webinar for law firms. The “Let’s Talk AML” Webinar takes place on Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 12.30 pm and for an hour Access Legal’s Brian Rogers, Director of Compliance, will talk all things Anti-Money Laundering with Financial Crime Consultant, Bill Jones, in what promises to be an insightful 60 minutes, across lunchtime.

    Wednesday, 14 July 2021
  • June 2021 Legal Aid Agency changes for crime firms

    The Legal Aid Agency has issued notification of two very imminent and important changes that will affect how crime firms use their legal practice management software integrations for processing legal aid claims.

    Thursday, 3 June 2021
  • Imminent MOJ road traffic accident changes affect the claims portal and A2A

    The recent RTA Pre-Action Protocol amendments announced by the MOJ, to coincide with the increase in small claims track limit and the launch of the ‘Official Injury Claims Service’ which is for road traffic accident claims that occur on or after 31 May 2021, will affect how the claims portal and A2A work.

    Tuesday, 1 June 2021
  • Decoding the legal software conundrum

    It is not always easy navigating the legal software marketplace, as there are lots of good suppliers offering a wide range of different products to choose from. When you’re busy running a law firm, working out which package is the best for you, can be somewhat of a conundrum.

    Wednesday, 12 May 2021
  • A law firm’s ‘Use of tech’ in Covid times

    Following the return to school on the 8th of March, this week marks another step forward in the lifting of UK Covid restrictions with ‘outside socialising’ now allowed again for 6 people or 2 households. None of us know exactly what is around the corner for the economy, but as this morning’s headlines report that almost 60% of UK adults have now had their first dose vaccinations, many businesses will be feeling more positive, and recognising the important contribution technology has made to their businesses during these challenging times so far.

    Tuesday, 30 March 2021
  • Piloting law firm business intelligence dashboards

    After working closely with a number of law firm clients in the latter part of 2020, Select Legal Systems Limited, authors of legal practice management software LAWFUSION, have announced today that their new Dashboards will begin piloting next week.

    Friday, 19 March 2021
  • New AML guidance for law firms

    Following the fifth AML (anti-money laundering) directive last year, the legal sector’s definitive guide on the subject has undergone a radical overhaul. Led by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the Legal Sector Affinity Group, a niche practice that offers specialist advice for law firms on risk, has carried out an extensive revision to the guidance.

    Tuesday, 2 March 2021
  • LAWFUSION Datacentre expansion to meet growing demand

    Select Legal Systems Limited have announced today their six-figure LAWFUSION Datacentre expansion. The UK based software house, authors of leading legal practice management software system for law firms, have continued to grow consistently since their last datacentre upgrade in the Summer of 2016.

    Friday, 12 February 2021


Managing risk: a guide for law firms

Traditional risk management approaches typically focused on responding to incidents after they have occurred. Best practice today demands a more forward-thinking approach.

Legal tech in 2025: Data, data and more data management

Even the staunchest sceptics are now recognising that generative AI is here to stay. But was 2024 the year that the AI ‘hype bubble’ burst?

Understanding mid-sized law firms’ priorities in 2025

Mid-tier practices are looking to grow both organically, or by a merger/takeover, and our survey revealed that 17% of firms are intending to pursue an acquisition strategy over the next 12 months.