Licence to alter – tips and pitfalls

Recorded on: 30/07/2024

An application for licence to alter may appear less pressing than an application for licence to assign.  The tenant has no remedy based upon failure to make a decision within a reasonable time, as there is no general duty on landlords to do so.

Well-advised tenants, however, will know the legislative mechanism for making time run against the landlord, and for getting the consent they want where the landlord’s objections are unreasonable.

For the landlord, documenting consent involves issues which if not addressed can create problems which may only emerge at the end of the lease.

This webinar will consider the points to be aware of from both a landlord and tenant’s perspective, including:

  • Best practice on making and fielding applications for consent
  • Chattels, fixtures and tenant’s fixtures
  • The role and relevance of reinstatement obligations
  • Compensation for alterations
  • What is the difference between improvements and alterations?
  • How should a notice under s.3 Landlord and Tenant Act be drafted, and when should one be served?
  • Typical content of a licence to alter


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