Conducting advocacy in children and personal protection cases
Available from: 22/11/2024
This webinar will explore the role of advocacy in children and personal protection cases.
There are many hearings where you may need to provide advocacy, including contested hearings, case management hearings, and those involving ‘live evidence’.
The webinar will combine practical tips, the procedure of advocacy and how you can deal with ‘live evidence’ in practice. The webinar is ideal for those acting for parents, children, extended family members and local authorities.
Topics covered include:
- Steps to take in preparation
- Using the law in family advocacy to boost your confidence
- Making Submissions – structure and analysing of the case
- Skeleton arguments and submissions
- Without notice injunction applications – what do you need to do?
- Live hearings and calling evidence
- Effective examination-in-chief
- Is permission to ask supplemental evidence required?
- Cross examination – it’s easy when you know how!
- Re-examination
- Contested interim care hearings – do I really need to contest?
- Case management hearings
- Issues resolution and final hearings
- Remote hearings
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