
Cautious response to government’s motor insurance taskforce

Claimant representatives have raised concerns about a new government taskforce that promises to “crack down” on rising motor insurance premiums, including the lack of a legal representative.

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Global contracts database takes on oneNDA initiative

The lawyer who helped create oneNDA, a standardised non-disclosure agreement, has sold it to the largest public contract and clause database in the world.

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Major report rejects regulation of third-party litigation funding

There should only be a move to regulate third-party litigation funding in the event of “an identifiable problem or market failure”, a major report has concluded.

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Fine over use of law firm as partner’s in-house legal department

The two partners of a firm whose purpose is to serve the non-legal business interests of one of them have been fined for multiple rule breaches, including using client account as a banking facility.

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Many conveyancing firms “do not have clear pricing policies”

Almost half of conveyancing firms do not have pricing policies which are “clearly defined, understood, communicated and adhered to” all the time.

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Court orders parties to engage in ADR over costs

A ruling that parties must engage in ADR before their argument over costs can be heard is a landmark that could herald the start of a new era, according to costs lawyers.

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High Court orders City litigators to name source of “forged” report

The High Court has ordered a leading City litigation firm to name the source of a potentially forged report produced as part of an arbitration dispute between Russian oligarchs.

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Solicitor fined for inaccurate declaration over £1m Covid loan

A solicitor who signed an inaccurate declaration that triggered the release of a £1m Covid loan to a client, has been fined £15,000.

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“Disruptive action” may be needed to improve diversity, LSB warns

Bullying and harassment is not limited to the Bar and “disruptive action” may be needed to create a “fair, healthy, diverse and inclusive legal profession”, the Legal Services Board has warned.

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SRA urges voluntary disclosure of Russia sanction breaches

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has stressed the importance of voluntarily disclosing breaches of the Russia sanctions following the first fine handed out under the regime.

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