Consumer panel

Consumers happy with shift to online legal services, survey finds

5 July 2021

The pandemic has accelerated the shift to the online delivery of legal services, with consumers generally happy with the experience, major new research has found.

Lawyers should have to take competence tests “every 10 years”

30 June 2021

Lawyers should have to take online tests every 10 years to prove that they remain competent in their specialist fields, the chair of the Legal Services Consumer Panel said yesterday.

SRA eyes pilot to promote greater unbundling of legal services

10 June 2021

The Solicitors Regulation Authority is planning a pilot with other legal regulators on how to extend the use of unbundling as evidence showed it could save consumers up to 50% in fees, it has emerged.

“No evidence” of worse outcomes from unregulated firms

8 April 2021

There is “no conclusive evidence” to show that consumers who use unregulated services obtain worse outcomes than those using regulated firms, the Legal Services Consumer Panel has said.

Law firms should advertise unbundled advice, says consumer panel

7 April 2021

Law firms should advertise unbundled services or offer them directly to clients, the Legal Services Consumer Panel has said, highlighting the “untapped potential” to support consumers in accessing advice.

“Troubling inequality” persists for BAME consumers of legal services

19 January 2021

A “troubling inequality” between BAME and White British consumers in the way they access legal services has changed little in the five years since it raised the issue, the consumer panel has found.

Consumers “more likely to both shop around and complain”

11 August 2020

Consumers of legal services are more likely to shop around and to make a formal complaint if they do not get what they want than in previous years, new research has found.

Unregulated firms should have access to regulatory sandboxes

3 August 2020

Legal regulators should allow unregulated firms to test their ideas in regulatory sandboxes set up to foster innovation, the Legal Services Consumer Panel has said.

Call for impartial websites on quality of lawyers’ services

20 July 2020

Independent websites providing impartial information on the quality of legal services providers are needed to guide people looking for a lawyer, the Legal Services Consumer Panel has argued.

LSB calls in the public to advise on policy

13 May 2020

The Legal Services Board is to create a standing panel of members of the public to help develop future policies – in addition to its existing consumer panel.

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