Posted by Jessica Martini, product marketing manager at Legal Futures Associate LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions

Martini: Progress must be a genuine, business case-based initiative
It is a fact that in the wider legal world, and specifically our technology part of it, men have long dominated the industry. However, professional attitudes are changing for the better, with more employers of legal professionals endeavouring to ensure a more diverse recruitment pool is established across the board.
Yet, as someone with a vested interest in such matters, I have always wondered if the rate at which change is happening is fast enough and, more pertinently, whether this ‘change’ is happening for the right reasons.
Let me explain. I recently found a statistic that a quarter of those working in tech generally are female, with a similar pattern in legal tech. However, within the law more broadly, there is a much higher rate of female representation: in 2023, 53% of lawyers in law firms were women.
I wanted to understand this disparity and explore whether the gender seniority gap within the wider industry (only 32% of equity partners are women) had anything to do with it.
So, as a relatively ‘new’ woman in legal tech, I decided to do my own research into why women embark on careers in the industry. My first port of call was a local event, ‘Women in Legal Tech’, in Leeds.
It was enlightening. Like-minded female legal tech professionals talked about the unique challenges and opportunities faced in this field, sharing and exchanging their personal journeys and experience.
Here are my key learnings and takeaways:
Women stumble into legal tech
For women, it seems working in legal tech is seldom a lifelong dream, career aspiration or goal – they tend to stumble upon it and realise it’s both an interesting space and provides an opportunity to learn and grow in a meaningful way.
My colleague Laura Wood is the perfect example of this. Working in a law firm as a paralegal, she enjoyed her work but felt she had more to give. When the opportunity arose to become a Visualfiles developer, due to her interests in problem solving, tech and case management, she grabbed it with both hands.
Currently working as a LexisNexis client advisor, I asked Laura what the most important factors were in making the switch to carve out her now successful career in legal tech. She detailed the support from her female senior partner for suggesting the role but also the encouragement, time given and expertise shared by her male line manager and Lexis Visualfiles consultant.
This clearly demonstrates that support from colleagues, regardless of gender, allowed her to pursue her interests and succeed in a role she’d never considered previously.
There’s a need to break the stereotype
Even today, there’s a stereotypically ingrained (perhaps subconscious) view that legal tech is and will remain male-dominated. It echoes the gender stereotypes we tend to put on children – boys play computer games and girls play with dolls.
It became apparent at the event that it is from these stereotypes the male and female role develops, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Exceptions to the consensus should be celebrated to create new ways of working. We should be looking at women in legal tech and acknowledging that, although female representation is small right now, these women are paving the way for the future of the industry.
This then becomes a bigger talking point: it isn’t just about gender disparity in legal tech but celebrating diversity. You need more than just technical skills to develop. Consider the soft skills needed – communication, problem-solving, teamwork, time management, adaptability, project management, emotional intelligence, and more.
Like any other tech (artificial intelligence is an example), having a diverse range of skillsets from a diverse range of people only bolsters these capabilities in an organisation, offering previously unthought-of viewpoints and approaches.
Women need to be braver and more confident
Women and men tend to approach jobs differently. Men typically will apply for jobs even if they don’t tick all the boxes. Women on the other hand will painstakingly ensure that they meet all the criteria to feel confident to apply. Neither approach is wrong.
However, there needs to be a balance as perfect roles and applicants simply don’t exist. Every job role and work situation demands continuous learning, flexibility and adaptability. If a job role is exciting to you, it’s worth putting your hat in the ring!
The power of allies
To bridge the gender diversity gap, there’s a need for allies. These allies don’t necessarily only have to be other women, but more crucially male colleagues. There is a need for our male bosses to support, champion, guide and promote their women colleagues – please note – based solely on merit and not gender.
These supporting advocates will break down barriers that hinder women’s progression in this currently male-dominated field – which can be for any number of reasons, including the stigma of taking time off to have a family or navigating the challenges of a work-life balance with a family. In doing so, they will also make the sector attractive to new talent.
But, most of all, they will help progress the ‘women in legal tech’ cause from a tick-box, diversity-driven exercise to a genuine, business case-based initiative. Women in legal tech as an initiative will fail if it is seen as a social/charity programme.
As the industry continues to evolve, empowering women and embracing their diverse perspectives will help drive innovation and progress in legal technology.
The positive impact of women in science and technology is already well-accepted, with numerous initiatives underway to encourage women’s participation, including nurturing talent from a young age.
Perhaps a similar approach is required in legal tech, alongside fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment to attract and retain this – and indeed other diverse – talent.
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