Words4Business announces new marketing articles for law firms

Words4Business , a division of Best Practice Online Ltd, announces the issue of more than 130 new marketing articles for law firms based on the latest court decisions and changes in the law.

The items cover:

Commercial law

Commercial property


Private client

Tax trust and probate

Personal injury and clinical negligence.

A recent client study showed that the average cost saving per item – compared with in-house content creation –  exceeded £100 and using the W4B service adds more than £2,000 per year to the profit per equity partner.

Also in June, BPO were pleased to welcome three new client firms in Hants, Cambs and Bucks.

Says W4B MB Joe Reevy, “With work levels rising, it is getting more important to save fee-earning time for fee-earning, not the creation and distribution of content. The ability to drive costs down radically and market penetration up substantially as well as save time is a compelling argument for law firm managers and marketers alike.”






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