What can law firms learn from consumer-centric sectors?

Access Legal

By Legal Futures Associate Access Legal

We have a new paper for law firms that looks specifically at the consumerisation of the legal sector which has been happening for some time now. Driven by growing competition in the market, and changing client behaviour and expectations has meant a complete change in focus for the majority of the people you are targeting with your services. You can download this paper by completing the fields at the bottom of this page.

Law firms can learn a lot from the experiences of consumer-centric sectors, who have been there already and successfully changed their business models. For this new paper, we gathered a number of experts who understand the size of the challenge having been at the forefront of this shift in consumer behaviour first-hand.

Like it or not, Amazon and other data-led companies have brought a new level of convenience to our lives, and we can’t help but compare them with our experiences in other areas of life. Automation, data analytics and predictive modelling are increasingly being applied in the legal sector, having already transformed industries like banking, insurance and retail.

Ambitious law firms understand the potential of these technologies to improve client experiences, ensure compliance, increase efficiency and productivity, and uncover new commercial opportunities.

Throughout the paper, we have a number of experts who have provided their views and thoughts on key topics covered. Some featured speakers include:

  • Nigel Stott, Consultant, Baskerville Drummond
  • Chris Thacker, Chief Technology Officer, Mojo Mortgages
  • Paul Williams, Executive Chairman, Ripe Thinking
  • Douglas McPherson, Director, Size 10½ Boots
  • Lara Squires, Director, Consortium – more than marketing

Download your copy of the FREE paper – What can law firms learn from consumer-centric sectors?

This article has been written by the legal team at The Access Group which provides award-winning software for law firms.


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