Rewriting environmental risk assessment for commercial real estate

TerrafirmaBy Legal Futures’ Associate Terrafirma

Are you a commercial property lawyer, professional support lawyer, developer, or another individual with a vested interest in commercial real estate? Then we want you to join us at our ‘Rewriting environmental risk for commercial real estate’ roundtables. Come and give us your feedback on our groundbreaking prototypes and data models for managing risk from mines and minerals, radon, and other financial, legal and physical liabilities from ground hazards.

Terrafirma dig into past, present and future ground hazards such as mineral rights and planning, mining, fracking and natural ground hazards, and tackle how these risks are identified and mitigated within commercial real estate. From development sites, to agricultural land and retail, different land uses are affected by ground hazards in different ways. Developers are held to ransom by mineral rights owners, land is affected by past mining hazards, and strict regulations exist for radon levels within commercial buildings.

Understand how environmental risks affect commercial real estate and get exclusive insight into never seen before ground hazard data modelling and risk analysis built specifically for commercial property.


We want your input! Represent your sector and your firm by telling us your most commonly experienced problems, what information you want and how you want it to be presented. Be at the cutting edge of innovation and attend our open forum to give your feedback and create a solution that enables you to give the greatest service to your clients.

Join Terrafirma as we revolutionise environmental and ground hazard risk assessment for commercial real estate at our roundtable series, in association with tmgroup.

Please click here to register.


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