ReviewSolicitors and legal technology: the importance of investing after a pandemic

ReviewSolicitorsBy Legal Futures’ Associates ReviewSolicitors

With the global pace of technological transformation at an all-time high, traditional business models have to evolve rapidly to stay relevant or find themselves staring down the barrel of failure. To what extent do you agree with this notion that firms will be completely left behind after the Covid-19 crisis if they fail to invest in technology?

The pace of technological transformation has been at an all-time high over the last decade, but never has it been more pertinent than now, as developers rush to replace face-to-face communications. The legal sector is very much founded upon conversation, rapport, and in-person discussion, so failing to adapt to this change is leaving firms at risk. In July 2020, the Law Gazette reported that legal industry revenue had dropped to a four year low, but firms can certainly take steps, such as the collection of reviews with a platform like ReviewSolicitors, to make sure they minimise the impact.

Law firms must understand the kinds of reassurances that a client needs, as well as the manner in which they wish to obtain it. The word-of-mouth tradition that many have been relying on is certainly wearing thin and if firms wish to keep up, online presence becomes their most valuable resource.

So with reassurance on the one hand and online presence on the other, the solution is simple. The collection of reviews – through Google, LinkedIn testimonials, or a legal-dedicated platform like ReviewSolicitors – brings both of these together, and failure to invest in the initial impression a client receives becomes a detrimental oversight.

The main concern for a prospective client is the element of risk instruction entails. In an age where knowledge is always at our fingertips, it is unlikely that we’ll make any decision without a quick Google search first, and when the consequences are as high-value as a legal matter, reviews take the lead.

When it comes to a product, the damage potential is extremely low. Broken and faulty goods can easily be returned, exchanged and solved with minimal inconvenience. A poor experience with a solicitor however, is far more damaging. Using technology therefore – from promotional videos that emphasise a firm’s core message, to the collection of online reviews which give clients that increasingly necessary peace of mind – improves transparency, builds trust in company ethos, and consistently eliminates high levels of risk for the consumer.

The online message that such promotion and reviews nurture becomes a ‘guarantee’ for the client, and the ultimate confirmation that they are selecting the right firm for them. With word-of-mouth fast becoming obsolete and face-to-face interaction no longer convenient, technology is fast becoming the most engaging, emotive, and simply effective force behind a firm’s marketing.


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