The Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) has further strengthened its board with the appointment of a fifth director. Andrea Glover, Managing Director of the nationally recognised search provider PSG officially took up the position of director on the 19th June.
Andrea joins fellow industry board member Alan Thorogood and public interest members Andrew McIlwraith, Kate Davies and Kate Faulkner, who are jointly responsible for developing PCCB policy and overseeing its operation. First established in 2006, the PCCB plays an active role in both monitoring and enforcing the Search Code – which has become a widely recognised and highly respected mark of quality across the search industry. The Search Code provides protection for all those who rely on the information included in regulated personal searches, which are undertaken by Code subscribers.
The Search Code’s requirements ensure that all organisations subscribing to the Code deliver a consistently high standard of product and service – offering peace of mind against fraud and negligence, and the reassurance that the information within the report is from a trusted and regulated source.
Andrew McIlwraith, Chairman of the PCCB said: “We are delighted that Andrea has accepted our invitation to join the PCCB board and we greatly value the industry experience and insights, which she will bring to the post. Andrea has joined the board at an exciting time. Over recent months we have seen a notable increase in Search Code subscribers and our dedicated team of inspectors has grown to accommodate this.
“The review and development of the PCCB’s role and the standards required by the Code are continually being evaluated and evolved by the board, a role we take very seriously and one which has helped to enhance the reputation of the Search Code. As the housing market enjoys a long awaited upturn, increased transactions are likely to drive increased business for many search providers. However, it is those organisations, which stand out from the crowd and can demonstrate a commitment to high standards and quality who are set to benefit the most significantly – something we are confident that subscribing to the Search Code can help search organisations to achieve.”
As a PSG branch office director, prior to becoming Managing Director, Andrea was pivotal in developing PSG’s own stringent internal Quality and Standards regime. She is renowned in the industry for her in-depth understanding of the search production process and her absolute commitment to quality.
Andrea Glover added: “Being invited to join the PCCB board is a real honour. I am really looking forward to working with the other members to support the work already achieved and to help continue to drive standards and ensure Search Code subscribers provide the best possible service and products to consumers”.
The PCCB Board is made up of five directors. The majority of directors (three) are public interest directors who are experienced in consumer protection and related areas but do not deal directly in the provision of property searches. The other two directors are search industry representatives nominated by CoPSO. The board is served by an inspection team of three compliance inspectors, led by David Woodward.
The Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) is an independent compliance body. Its primary role is to maintain a register of firms that choose to subscribe to the Search Code of Practice and to independently monitor their compliance with the Code.