New Year’s Resolution? New you… New Website?

Moore Legal TechnologyBy Legal Futures’ Associate Moore Legal Technology

The first week or two back at work after the holidays are usually spent dealing with lingering tasks. Inevitably, some of last years to do list still needs actioned!

It’s a safe bet that many law firms have “sort website” on that list somewhere. In fact, that particular to-do has probably been lingering for some time!

Like a New Year’s resolution, the website plan is set with the best of intentions until reality kicks in and it falls by the wayside.

So, what makes a New Year’s resolution (and your vow to improve your website) stick? It should be easy to adopt, painless and capable of producing (reasonably!) quick, positive change.

In case you are wondering, our New Year’s resolution is to help more law firms use the Internet to grow their business than ever before. This year, we want to help as many firms as we can to improve their online presence and we want to do this for them as quickly, cost-effectively and simply as possible.

Quick and Easy Law Firm Websites

Easy, cost-effective and fast.

These are the principles of our new “Starter Package”. This has been developed for law firms who are at an early stage of developing an online presence. Experience tells us that not all law firms have the same requirements. Some firms just need to take the first step and build an online presence.

With our “Starter Package”, we’ve streamlined our processes and removed as many obstacles to launching a website as possible.

This means we can now launch law firm websites more quickly and more cost-effectively than ever before.

We price our starter package to your exact needs, meaning you only pay for what you need.

For an affordable fixed, monthly fee, we’ll provide you with a modern website and the support you require to keep it up to date, ranking in Google and looking good.

We’ll make sure it works for you from a business development perspective – generating new leads every month. We’ll build it on cutting-edge technology. It will boast contemporary design and include all the elements necessary to generate clients for you.

If you aren’t sure if your website is a priority, then our 50-point checklist will help you assess the site as a whole.

How good would it feel to tick one major item off your task list before January is out?

Legal Website Design 2019

If you’ve read this far, then I’m sure we don’t need to press the need for a website on you! However, as we roll towards 2020, the online landscape is changing faster than ever before.

Recent stats show that:

Almost 40% of people will leave a website if the layout or content is unappealing. If your site is dated, cluttered or boring, you are almost certainly losing clients to your competition.

Well over half your website’s traffic will now come from mobile devices. Recent stats suggested 57% across the web as a whole. But, in our experience, legal websites tend to attract a higher proportion of traffic from mobile devices. This is particularly true for sensitive matters such as crime, family and employment. If your website doesn’t offer up a modern mobile experience, then 52% of users are less likely to engage with you.

On the flipside, mobile users who ARE impressed are more likely to convert and convert quickly. 52% of mobile-device enquiries come within one hour of the initial search!

If modernising your website is on your list of new year’s resolutions, call us today on 03333 442722 to take the first step. Unlike most resolutions, this is quick, easy and painless!

Associate News is provided by Legal Futures Associates.
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