Is your legal software supplier secure?

DPS SoftwareBy Legal Futures’ Associate DPS Software

Cybersecurity is especially relevant in the legal sector due to the sensitive nature of client data, so law firms need to know that their IT and Software providers are experts in this field.

Here are essential topics on security you should cover with your legal software supplier.

  1. Accreditations

Do they have the right accreditations?  ISO 27001 is considered best practice in the field of information security management, so software companies that are ISO 27001 certified are the safest choice.

The better IT companies will also hold Cyber Essentials and GDPR accreditations, as DPS Software does. Any violation of the GDPR regulations can lead to penalties from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

  1. Who develops the product?

Do they outsource work to other developers? If so, this means that a third party will have access to your data, which increases the threat of a leak or a security breach. It’s safer if the company works with their own developers and keeps information in-house.

  1. What is the login procedure?

The most secure IT and software companies support two-step authentication. This is when a user must go through two steps to log in and access the data.  Users are expected to enter a password and provide a second piece of data – for example, a six-digit code sent to their mobile phone.

  1. Is the data encrypted via the Cloud?

All good legal software providers will encrypt your data before it is transferred into storage on the cloud. This keeps your data safe, as only customers have encryption keys to decrypt the data.

Additional Questions: Knowing the company you’re working with

The above questions are vital considerations when thinking about an IT service provider and the kind of security they offer. There are also other factors that come into play when entrusting your company’s data to a software provider.

  • What kind of track record does the company have? Do their testimonials prove client satisfaction, and does the company have a long history of providing this service and providing it well?
  • How is their customer support? Are their demos clear and informative? Do they have good aftercare and support systems in place?
  • Will they be able to tackle a crisis should it arise?

Your relationship with your IT firm is as important as the service they provide. If you don’t feel like you can trust them, if you don’t feel supported, or if their track record causes concern, then they may not be the right fit.

Cybercrime is not something that will go away, and it’s crucial to pick a company that you trust to tackle it. DPS takes that trust very seriously – get in touch with our friendly team today to find out how we can help you manage and secure your data.


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