InfoTrack today launched their new “WhatsApp style” AP1 requisition dashboard aimed at reducing rejection rates and centralising all communications with the Land Registry.
With the Land Registry recently publishing the most common reasons for rejection, InfoTrack say that AP1 cancellations often occur when conveyancers are unaware of key dates and requests for further information.
In response to this, users of InfoTrack now have access to the innovative AP1 dashboard with multiple functions including the ability to respond to requisitions and include further supporting evidence in a “WhatsApp style” message exchange. This provides firms with a unique communication tool that also acts as a full audit trail.
Rich features make up the unique dashboard including a recent history of the progress of all AP1s as lodged through InfoTrack. InfoTrack clients can also access a tabled snapshot showing all AP1s currently in progress, applications with a raised requisition and submissions that are now registration complete.
Having launched the ability to submit AP1 submissions in 2016, with the key benefit of up to 90% of the fields pre-populated, InfoTrack have experienced fast growth in usage by firms and account for over 5000 submissions in 2017.
Scott Bozinis, CEO of InfoTrack comments, “Submitting an AP1 should be a relatively simple process. However, as Land Registry figures demonstrate, there are still a number of challenges that lead to cancellations. Dates are unclear, documentation is requested and supplied through different channels and that leaves no clear audit trail.
Scott continues, “Our new technology responds to those issues, making it far easier for our clients to manage and respond to requisitions, upload documents and create an audit trail when managing AP1’s. This is technology that solves conveyancers issues making it easier to manage but importantly, it is simple, smart and enjoyable to use.”
Scott will be hosting a webinar demonstrating the unique InfoTrack AP1 tool on Tuesday 14th June 2017. Register now!

Improved AP1 management: Clear display shows waiting, complete and in progress applications

Manage requisitions with a unique message exchange function and alerts