iManage Work 10 a game changer for work product management

iManageDesigned by users for users, iManage Work 10 helps professionals improve productivity, make better decisions, and work smarter

iManage today announced the release of iManage Work 10, a complete redesign of its market-leading document and email management application, packed with powerful new features that help today’s modern professionals work more productively on any device from anywhere. In conjunction with iManage Work 10, iManage has enhanced its iManage Cloud services to deliver significantly greater scale, performance and reliability. Architected using the best technology relied upon by Internet leaders such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook, the iManage Cloud is the first and only cloud service to bring this proven technology to document and email management for professionals.

iManage Work 10 stands out as the first document and email management application designed with input from hundreds of professional services users to ensure superior usability. Enhanced with AI-based smart features that boost productivity, iManage Work 10 is delivered through elastic cloud-scale services or as an on-premises deployment.

Designed by Users, For Users

To develop iManage Work 10, iManage started with a blank sheet of paper, studied and interviewed hundreds of professionals — in a variety of roles — about their common day-to-day work tasks. The company then designed a totally new user experience that works the way users want to work. Some examples include:

  • A single, mobile-first user experience that ensures that users can learn the software once and have a consistent experience across phones, tablets and desktops — enabling professionals to work from anywhere and stay productive on-the-go.
  • Simple and intuitive user-interface that ‘users just get’. The application leverages metaphors users already know through their use of common Internet applications, reducing the learning curve and increasing user adoption.
  • Personalized search that makes searching as easy as a good Internet shopping site. A simple, yet powerful, search interface with filtering options enables easy navigation of large result sets and personalized results based on each users’ past behavior.

“It’s great to see the iManage team get back to its roots,” said Stefan Winquist, CIO at Bech Bruun, Denmark. “They are listening to their customers, innovating, and delivering great solutions. The design thinking that has gone into iManage Work 10, watching lawyers and interviewing them about the key day-to-day tasks they do, combined with a lot of smart features, results in a user experience that I believe will improve adoption and satisfaction in the legal community. iManage Work 10 is a highly sophisticated and innovative product.”

“Our plan was to do an incremental upgrade of our existing iManage product when we moved to Office 2016 this year,” said Doug Caddell, Global CIO at Mayer Brown LLC. “But attorneys are not interested in ’upgrades‘ and are unwilling to spend time for marginal improvement. We needed something with ’wow‘ to get their attention and provide a reason for our lawyers and staff to care about document management. iManage Work 10 provides that wow. In fact, during a demo one of our attorneys said ‘wow’ 12 times! Our focus now…project WOW combining iManage Work 10, Office 2016 and Windows 10.”

Smart Software Makes Professionals More Efficient

iManage Work 10 leverages AI, machine learning, and big data analytics to enhance user productivity by eliminating traditional friction points in common tasks and by anticipating user needs based on historical data. Some examples in iManage Work 10 include:

  • Smart work lists automatically track and provide one click access to all recent clients, matters or engagements, emails and documents, saving time and allowing users to stay on top of changes in all relevant work product.
  • Smart timelines make it easy to quickly and intuitively access prior versions and understand how a document has evolved and who has changed or viewed it.
  • Smart previews ensure that reviewing large documents on mobile devices and slow networks is easy, fast and simple.
  • Smart email management improves the accuracy of suggested email filing locations and automatically tracks and groups email threads.
  • Smart help provides simple and useful help to users when and where they need it.

“iManage Work 10 is the release we’ve been waiting for, it’s a quantum leap from previous versions,” said Cesar Mejias, IT director at Garrigues, Spain. “We are looking forward to deploying this new version and we think that the new set of smart features will help our lawyers improve their productivity. The unified user experience, independent from the device they use, is absolutely awesome too.”

Enhanced Cloud Services Increase Performance and Agility

Alongside iManage Work 10, iManage Cloud services have been enhanced to deliver unmatched reliability, performance, and scale based on modern architectures and building blocks relied upon by leading Internet companies, resulting in:

  • Highly elastic architecture: Enables near real-time provisioning of new customers and all types of expansion and enhances IT agility.
  • Ability to achieve a consistent service level, independent of work load.
  • No single points of failure and built-in automated recovery at every level: Multiple instances of services and copies of data across availability zones guarantee the highest uptime possible.
  • Continuous development and deployment: Delivers upgrades with fixes and improved functionality without maintenance windows, thereby increasing system uptime and bringing continuous innovation to the users.
  • Choice of delivery models: Either single tenant pods with complete physical data isolation per customer or multi-tenant pods with logical data isolation.
  • Integrated analytics to intelligently monitor and protect all data from unauthorized or malicious access.
  • State of the art security: Encryption for data at rest and in motion using customer managed encryption keys.
  • Core functional and platform enhancements that deliver improved and faster Search along with comprehensive Rest APIs for customizations and third party integrations.

iManage Work 10 also features a new administrative Control Center that offers web-based administration of common tasks such as workspace design, file unlocking, and security settings — simplifying the deployment and ongoing management of iManage environments.

“iManage Work 10 has been designed from the ground up to help professionals streamline their workflow and work smarter in every way,” said Dan Carmel, iManage CMO. “With its responsive web interface, intuitive workflow navigation, predictive search capabilities and versatile timeline views, iManage Work 10 increases productivity, reduces cost-of-ownership and makes it easy for your team to collaborate in a secure and governed manner. Together with our enhanced iManage Cloud, we are delivering an intuitive, best-in-class platform for Work Product Management that combines ease-of-use, work-anywhere mobility, and smart features that enable today’s professionals to be more productive and do their best client work every day.”

iManage Work 10 is expected to be available for customer download starting February 10,  2017. For more information about iManage Work 10, including purchase and availability information, visit the iManage website.


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