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How UPRNs will transform the housing market: A 90 seconds interview with…Kate Faulkner

Landmark new logo [1]By Legal Futures Associate Landmark Information Group [2]

Watch Kate Faulkner and Alex Wrottesley talking about data and the property sector in our latest 90 seconds with… video. 

The new and interesting insights highlighted in the video are: 


Kate Faulkner is leading the team at Property Checklists, an organisation that provides consistent advice on how to buy, sell, rent, invest, renovate, maintain or build a property.  

Alex Wrottesley is the Managing Director of Landmark Geodata.  

Be part of the conversation 

If you would like to work with Landmark Geodata and discuss how you can work with data that is constantly evolving, please get in touch using the form below. 


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How UPRNs will transform the housing market: A 90 seconds interview with…Kate Faulkner – Landmark Information Group [4]