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GDPR: A Ticking Time Bomb is Approaching – Another Millennium Bug or is this Real?

Certainty National Will RegisterWe are delighted to welcome Paul Holland and Jessica Pattison from Beyond Encryption who will be presenting the next instalment of Certainty Expert Webinars [1] with Steve Sharpe from LAN2LAN on Wednesday 28th February at 12.00pm.

There is a fear in the air; a commercial nervousness akin to the latter days of 1999. Some of us will recall the ‘Millennium Bug’ and saw little or no impact to our day to day lives, despite the threats! No infrastructure fell apart and systems didn’t grind to a halt – was this good preparation or scare mongering?

There is no ambiguity, GDPR has very sharp teeth. A data protection paradigm shift is upon us, one which strikes at the very heart of every business.

Are you ready?

We will share the rationale for this dramatic new regulation and give a flavour of the challenges and questions that businesses face with the 25th May deadline looming.

In this real talk webinar, we will help attendees ready themselves for the imminent shifts in personal data privacy law.


Please join us for our highly informative, complimentary 1 hour webinar. Places are limited so register for the webinar now [2].