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Don’t miss out! Free will registration month ends on friday this week

Certainty National Will RegisterCertainty the National Will Register’s [1] first ever Free Will Registration Month is set to finish this week.

The campaign has been successful with over 150,000 Wills being registered and committed to be registered by legal professionals who write Wills and members of the public. This adds to the 8 million Will Registrations already in the National Will Register system.

It is not too late. Those who are interested have until Friday 31st May. However, by letting us know this week how many Wills you would like to register, you can reserve your National Will Register free Will Registrations. NB All Wills registered under this scheme however must pre-date June 2019.

Contact us today on 0330 100 3660 or email info@certainty.co.uk [2] to reserve your free Will Registrations.

Why register Wills?

There are many benefits that Will Registration brings to a Will writing professional and their clients:

Melanie Pickering, Solicitor, Roche Legal: “At Roche Legal, we use Certainty to register all valid Wills that we store – whether we wrote them or not – at no cost to our clients. We do this to provide clients with peace of mind that their Will can be found in future, if their loved ones do not find the copies they hold at home and/or cannot remember where the Wills were drafted or stored. Being able to undertake a Will Search for a loved one’s Will means that families will always be able to locate the Wills we store here at Roche Legal.”

Graeme Black, Director and Head of the Probate Department, Bonnets Solicitors: “As a result of our archived Wills being registered with the National Will Register, we were notified of a match from a Certainty Will Search and received the valuable probate work.”

Ann Donnelly, Director, QS Moore & Tibbits: “By registering Wills with the National Will Register, it provides long term certainty that Wills can be found and ensures a person’s wishes regarding how their estate is distributed are fulfilled.”