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A connected data-rich environment for legal

Access Legal

By Legal Futures Associate Access Legal [1]

Many legal firms have been collecting data from across the business for years – but there’s now a clear appetite to bring it together in one place, join the dots and make sense of it easily.

They share our vision for a connected data-rich environment that brings together case and practice management, HR, CRM and finance systems. Departments and individuals can quickly and easily surface the most relevant data at the point when they need it, without an in-house team of data scientists and analysts. Importantly, they can be confident that the data they depend on to make decisions is up-to-date, accurate and continually improving.

In the below link insight paper [2], we look at how you can get the most from your data and help differentiate your firm from the competition.

Throughout the paper, we have a number of experts who have provided their views and thoughts on key topics such as making sense of your data and why smart use of data and creative thinking are a formula for success. Some featured speakers include:

Download your copy of the FREE paper – Connect your data and differentiate your law firm [2]

This article has been written by the legal team at The Access Group which provides award-winning software for law firms [3].