Title Research: Tracing missing beneficiaries

8th December 2021 at 12:00 pm - Online

When presented with a missing beneficiary, it can often be a time-consuming and strenuous task for Solicitors to locate the person, especially if overseas research is required.

That’s why on Wednesday 8 December at 12pm, Title Research’s Technical Manager, Simon Barber, will outline some of the most common risks presented to legal professionals when faced with missing beneficiaries during estate administration. In addition to case studies to highlight how Title Research has helped trace missing or unknown people, Simon will cover: 

  • How missing beneficiaries are found
  • Where missing beneficiaries are found
  • The challenges of overseas research
  • Missing Beneficiary Insurance
  • Charging methodologies
  • How to best advise your client


If you’re interested in joining the webinar but can’t make it on the day, please still register as registrants will receive a link to the recording after the webinar has taken place.
