Title Research: Foreign Grants, reseals, and administering international assets

16th November 2022 at 12:00 pm - Online

Title Research’s next virtual seminar will be hosted by Technical Manager Simon Barber and Head of Business Anthony Allsopp on Wednesday 16th November at 12pm. They will look at how to administer complex international assets held in UK estates, including the processes, costs, and timescales involved in resolving these matters.

More specifically, Simon and Anthony will discuss:

  • Identifying assets
  • Verifying and valuing shareholdings
  • Assets held in the US and Canada
  • Medallion Signature Guarantees
  • Foreign Grants and Reseals

Click here to register for the virtual seminar.

If you can’t join on the day, please still register – registrants will receive a link to the recording after it has taken place.

Title Research provides a range of genealogical research and asset repatriation services for legal professionals. Their services are designed to streamline the estate administration process, take the effort out of locating the correct people or assets, and mitigate against the risk of future disputes or complications. If you have any questions about genealogical research, asset repatriation, or how you can work with Title Research, call them on 0345 87 27 600 or email info@titleresearch.com.

