Title Research: An overview of Trusts in Wills
26th October 2022 at 1:00 pm - Online
On Wednesday 26 October at 1pm, Title Research will be joined by Kings Court Trust for a webinar on the highly requested topic of Trusts. The session will be hosted by Technical Manager Simon Barber, who will be joined by Legal Services Director Charlotte Toogood and Kings Court Trust’s Technical Manager, Nigel Merchant.
The webinar aims to provide a useful overview on Trusts in Wills by covering:
- Property Trusts
- Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts
- Trusts for minors
- Case studies
- How professionals can help Trustees
If you would like to join the webinar but can’t make it on the day, please still register – registrants will receive a link to the recording after the webinar has taken place.
Title Research provides a range of genealogical research and asset repatriation services for legal professionals. Their services are designed to streamline the estate administration process, take the effort out of locating the correct people or assets, and mitigate the risk of future disputes or complications. If you have any questions about genealogical research, asset repatriation, or how you can work with Title Research, call them on 0345 87 27 600 or email info@titleresearch.com