Tikit: Top 10 Tips for amending and styling Word documents

21st April 2020 - Online

Top 10 tips for amending and styling word documents

Want to make your documents look more professional? Make Microsoft Word do the work for you with these handy tips and tricks. In this training session we will touch upon the following:

  • Working with heading styles
  • Amending heading styles
  • Inserting and amending a Table of Contents based on heading styles
  • Creating a paragraph style
  • Applying paragraph styles
  • Using the Format Painter
  • Using the Styles pane
  • Using Advanced Find to find where styles have been used in a document
  • Working in Draft view and showing the Styles pane

We are also taking suggestions for future training sessions if any of your members have anything in particular that they would like us to focus on, they can pop us an email. More information on this can be found on our Upskill in Lockdown blog here: https://links.tikit.com/2xgFeXt

