PracticeEvolve: Minimising the Risk of Fraud

11th March 2021 - Online

PracticeEvolve, SOS and Linetime are offering an insightful fraud webinar, investigating the types of fraud and what firms can do to minimise the threat.

Focusing on conveyancing, the webinar is being held on Thursday 11th March 2021 and is open to all firms.

Adam Bullion, General Manager of Marketing at PracticeEvolve comments, “Fraud remains a key topic for law firms as we head into 2021. With staff working from home on larger volumes of work, the threat of fraud can increase, going unnoticed until it is too late.

Adam continues, “The risks of fraud are being reduced with technology but without doubt, a regular programme of education amongst users remains fundamentally important. This webinar has been designed to provide an insight into the more common threats but with a clear direction as to what firms, and individuals, can do to minimise the risks. We will cover a number of areas including phishing, bogus firms, cybercrime and even the threat of employee fraud. There is a wealth of information which is beneficial to firms, no matter their size.”

