Landmark Information Group: How will climate change affect subsidence and coastal erosion

8th February 2023 at 9:00 am - Online

Recent projections from the Met Office have concluded that in general UK winters are going to get warmer and wetter whilst UK summers are likely to become hotter and drier. In addition, other potential impacts of climate change include sea level rise, and storm event intensity. These factors may affect the rates of coastal erosion, soil moisture and subsequent subsidence. This session will help you understand what ground stability, is, how climate change may impact the level of risk, and how you can find more information about it for property due diligence.

The benefits to you:

  • Understand what ground instability is
  • Gain a greater understanding of how climate change may impact ground instability rates
  • Learn how you can identify if climate change will impact the property
  • How you can advise your clients on the risks

