InfoTrack: Understanding and managing the transition to digital AP1 submissions

27th April 2022 at 11:00 am - Online

AP1s are going completely digital in November this year, and with 750,000 AP1s submitted digitally via InfoTrack since 2016, we’re the leading provider that can help you navigate the changes with ease.

During this 45-minute webinar, Luke Savva, Head of Account Management, will be joined by Managing Partner, Nathan Kapoor and Head of Conveyancing, Jade Alison Saward from leading Windsor law firm, Charles Coleman, who will be sharing insights from their firm’s experience of moving to a digital AP1 solution.

Luke will also be joined by Kelly Cutler, Knowledge Manager, who will demonstrate how InfoTrack’s award-winning technology can take the challenge out of moving to digital submissions. Using our intuitive AP1 dashboard, you’ll benefit from a tried and tested service, that over a thousand firms have already used to submit their AP1s, including:

· Greater transparency across applications with simplified form filling
· Up to 90% of the AP1 form pre-populated using data from your matter
· Built in validations to help reduce requisitions
· A direct messaging portal with HMLR to manage requisitions
· Powerful integration with leading case management systems

Ensure you’re digital AP1 ready by booking your place
