InfoTrack: Navigating Commercial Leases – Crucial tips for avoiding common traps

13th February 2024 at 11:00 am - Online

Join us to explore some of the most persistent challenges facing property lawyers and clients when it comes to dealing with commercial leaseholds.

We’ll be joined by Ian Quayle of IQ Legal Training, as well as our own Ryan Cox, InfoTrack’s General Manager of Major Accounts, for this 60-minute session that examines key issues, including:

– Allowing the tenant into occupation – licences and tenancies at will
– Using the RICS model heads of term
– Problem clauses – break, rent suspension, repair and user
– Turnover and green leases – things to look out for
– Lessons from recent case law

As ever, Ian will be on hand at the end of the session to field any questions you may have regarding commercial leaseholds.

Book now to secure your place!
