InfoTrack: Digital Post-Completion with InfoTrack

11th January 2023 at 11:00 am - Online

Post-completion has undergone a significant ‘digital shift’ in recent years, most recently with the switch to AP1 submissions. InfoTrack has been a key partner in many firms’ journey through digitisation with a platform that has significantly streamlined the post-completion processes.

Join us as we demonstrate how we help first submit, manage and monitor post-completion tasks through:

  • Integration with HMRC and HMLR
  • Automatic pre-population of data for SDLTs (70% complete) and AP1s (90% complete), reducing errors and requisitions
  • Up-to-date SRA information on the other side’s solicitors
  • Easy-to-select Local Authority codes
  • Automatic attachment of SDLT5s from the matter – removing duplication of effort


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