Groundsure: The Conveyancing Climate Change Conference

14th June 2022 at 8:30 am - London

The Conveyancing Climate Change Conference, hosted by Groundsure.

In this inaugural and exclusive event, hear from leading lawyers, policymakers and experts across the industry and gain practical guidance on how to advise your clients about the impacts of climate risks on residential and commercial property transactions.

Do you understand the impacts climate change will have on your clients’ land and buildings – and the implications for client care?

Climate change is already having significant impacts on how lenders, insurers and other stakeholders view risk through the transaction. Bank of England compliance and ESG considerations are now material factors in how clients should be advised as to how climate change could affect them – and the risk of law firms being sued for failing to alert clients.

Places are limited so make sure to book your FREE ticket for The Conveyancing Climate Change Conference now.


Are you ready to advise your property clients on climate change impacts and compliance?

Groundsure conference - Speakers

The Conveyancing Climate Change summit will cover:

  • Climate change and policy – how it will impact all our futures
  • Liabilities – what to advise and professional negligence risks for lawyers
  • Lending, valuations and data – relationships and information between stakeholders
  • Views and opinions from across the industry in an interactive Q&A

Who should attend:

This exclusive event is for property lawyers and licensed conveyancers only. It is open to Senior Partners, Heads of Department, Partners, Senior Solicitors, Assistant Solicitors, Senior residential conveyancers, Commercial Real Estate Lawyers and PSLs/Knowledge Managers.


The Law Society Common Room, 113 Chancery Lane, London


14 June 2022

Registration 08:30 for 09:00 start. Concludes 12:45 followed by lunch and networking to end at 14:00.

Places are limited so make sure to book your FREE ticket for The Conveyancing Climate Change Conference now.

