Exterro: Data Privacy – You are only as strong as your weakest third party

28th April 2020 - Online

The GDPR goes a long way in ensuring protection and privacy of user data. An organisation’s third-party partners are also legally obligated to comply with all aspects of the regulation to ensure consistency and true protection for consumers. In practice, organisations should convey their policies and procedures to their third parties and monitor compliance to foster complete protection across all channels of commerce.

If third parties are not managed effectively and defensibly then your organisation is opening itself-up to huge risk, including being liable for third party data breaches and litigation.

Key Discussion Takeaways:

·      How do third-party relationships work under the GDPR?

·      What should I do if I use third party data processors?

·      How can my organisation ensure compliance by third-party processors?

·      Practical tips when dealing with third parties

Format: 50-minute presentation, 10-minute live audience Q&A

