DG Legal: Data Disasters and How To Prevent Them

9th June 2022 at 11:30 am - Online

Law firms are increasingly being targeted by scams, cyber attacks, phishing attempts and data breaches. According to the NCSC, this is due to the face that firms “hold sensitive client information, handle significant funds and are a key enabler in commercial and business transactions.”

But how do firms protect themselves – and their clients’ personal information and funds – against cybercrime?


In this event, we will cover:

– the true cost of cyberattacks for law firms

– a real-world case study about an IT-savvy criminal law firm that suffered a major data disaster

– practical steps law firms can take to prevent data breaches and other cyber attacks from happening

– a panel discussion around trends in cybersecurity, phishing, and industry regulations for law firms


Details of how to view the webinar recording and slides will be provided to everyone that registers for the webinar.

This webinar is aimed at legal practitioners and those working with them.

