Briefed: Leadership and Wellbeing Conference for the Bar

23rd April 2024 at 9:00 am - London

Leading a set of Chambers to effectively generate revenue and build successful careers relies on the productivity, and output of barristers, clerking teams and the staff that support them.
Wellness can often be disregarded as work pressures abound, however if you lead a business where the central ‘product’ deteriorates over time, through burn out, addiction or mental health struggles, it becomes impossible to build a thriving brand.

We invite you to attend the Briefed Leadership & Wellbeing Conference, in partnership with Deka Chambers and 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, to hear from leading barristers, Senior Clerks and chambers CEOs to examine wellness from a business perspective, delving into the core components of the problem, and discussing strategies that leaders in chambers can implement to protect their key people, recruit new members and retain talent.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to have discussions with your peers to learn how other sets are handling some of the challenges and considerations that wellbeing brings.
