Bath Publishing: The ethics of law tech & remote working

14th May 2020 - Online

The growth of increasingly sophisticated software for lawyers is, perhaps inadvertently, giving rise to new ethical problems for the legal profession.

As Richard Burnham, co-author of So You Think You’re An Ethical Solicitor? says:

“In the legal world the ethical conundrums of lawtech are founded in the fact that solicitors operating it usually have no idea how the underlying software functions, and how the results provided to them have been calculated and delivered. And why should solicitors know this? … If you are not sure how a piece of lawtech works, how can you confidently say that you can justify the weight of the information it is supplying you with?”

The topic is covered in So You Think You’re An Ethical Solicitor? a book that provides down to earth practical guidance on how lawyers should approach ethical decision making under the new SRA Rules & Regulations which came into operation last November.

To mark publication the authors are presenting a free webinar to be broadcast on 14th May. In the webinar Richard, and co-author Mena Ruparel, will discuss this increasingly important issue in legal practice touching on where ethics and lawtech cross over and how solicitors should engage with new technology in an ethical fashion.

The pair will also highlight some of the ethical issues thrown up by the sudden move to home working brought about by the coronavirus lockdown and offer practical tips about how practitioners should operate in this new, potentially long lasting environment without falling foul of their professional duties.

Event details at a glance

When? 4 – 5pm, Thursday 14th May 2020

Where? Any computer with broadband, sound and / or video

How much? Free to listen in on the day

