BARBRI Altior: Understanding the City

17th September 2020 - Online

17-18th September 2020

Where: Live Online

This one-day course will provide you with a good working understanding of ‘the City’ and how it functions on a day-to-day basis.  You will learn about the different markets, the institutions, workers and financial instruments.  You will also learn more about the role of lawyers in City transactions.

Given its nature, the course is largely instructive, but you will be encouraged to contribute to the sessions with your own knowledge and experience.  There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers.

Key benefits include:

  • You will be provided with an excellent opportunity (particularly if you are inexperienced in working with ‘the City’) to gain an introduction to, and an understanding of, the nature, requirements and relationships between the individuals and institutions.
  • The interactive nature of the course allows you to gain a full understanding of the issues and to have the confidence to ask questions in a non-threatening and co-operative environment
  • You will leave the course with a full understanding of the crises that have impacted on ‘the City’ and an appreciation of factors which might influence on ‘the City’ in the future, such as Brexit.

